Thursday, March 22, 2007

Africa's tractor beam got me again

We can all breathe a sigh of relief because I am finally going to have something interesting to write about. Apparently I am at my best when I am anti-social and in a conflict-affected third world country. If Hemmingway only knew the creativity this brings on, he would have opted to move to one. So....drumroll please...I am going to Burundi in two days. I just decided that, hey, I really need to get on the ball about posting more to this blog. If it takes a 38-hour plane journey passing through Amersterdam, Frankfurt, Addis Ababa, and Entebbe (raise your hand if you even heard of that last one), then I do what must be done. Because that's the kind of person I am.

Stop giggling. I'd be lying if I didn't get completely panicked about my Burundi gig, which is a six week job. I've got an eensy, weensy bit of post traumatic stress disorder. Just a dash, really, enough to make me an interesting date ("so, there I was, knowing that shots had been fired and that they were getting closer to, whatever that table ordered looks great! Think those are crab cakes?"). Also enough to make me weary of leaving the comforts of home. But, if it boils down to productive work in conflict-recovering country the size of Maryland or sending faxes in Marlyland, what choice does a girl really have?


John Gerard Sapodilla said...

yum, slurp, gnam , good to know. Where on the hell are my unbrella and bowler hat. Let's go to Burundi. King Kong

psmee said...

i can't wait to hear all about it. i miss you already!

Nicky Reiss said...

Welcome back to East Africa! Everyone I talk to says they really like Burundi... plus, you can actually buy shower curtains (and the rod to hold them up with) in Bujumbura!

Unknown said...

i'm raising my hand! i just found the new blog, and i love it. it's good to hear your voice again:)

Congogirl said...

Entebbe - yes, I was stuck on the tarmac there for 10 hours once. It was beautiful by the lake :)

Congrats on the new job. Maybe I'll pass through there on my next trip! I have a couple other folks to see there...

As for PTSD, I now have it, having lived through the latest round of urban warfare in Kinshasa in March.